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Marcia McNutt

"Just as the annual State of the Union address gives Americans a sense of how the nation is doing on key priorities, I hope that the State of the Science address will provide policymakers and the public with a clear picture of the overall direction of the U.S. research enterprise—including its strengths, potential shortcomings, and possible pathways for the future."

-Marcia McNutt, President, National Academy of Sciences

Photo Credit: Christopher Michel


The State of the Science address will be followed by a panel discussion, featuring:


Harvey V. Fineberg, MD, PhD

President, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation


Christie Aschwanden

Author, Good to Go: What the Athlete in All of Us Can Learn from the Strange Science of Recovery and Producer/Host, Uncertain


Stephanie Diem, PhD

Assistant Professor, Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison


James Manyika, PhD

SVP of Research, Technology & Society
Google and Alphabet


E. Albert Reece, MD, PhD, MBA, FACOG

Former Dean and University Executive Vice President
The Endowed Professor and Director, Center for Advanced Research Training, and Innovation (CARTI)
Senior Scientist, Center for Birth Defects Research University of Maryland School of Medicine


James Marshall Shepherd, PhD

Associate Dean for Research, Scholarship, and Partnerships, Franklin College of Arts and Sciences (UGA)
Georgia Athletic Association Distinguished Professor of Geography and Atmospheric Sciences
Director, UGA Atmospheric Sciences Program
Associate Director for Climate and Outreach, Institute for Resilient Infrastructure Systems
University of Georgia


Grace Wang, PhD

17th President, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Is it a Closed Session event?

The following committee members were present at the closed sessions of the event

The following topics were discussed in the closed sessions

The following materials (written documents) were made available to the committee in the closed sessions

Date of posting of Closed Session Summary



State of the Science: Public Trust

To keep U.S. science strong, NAS President Marcia McNutt’s inaugural State of the Science address identified several challenges that the research enterprise needs to tackle – including building more public trust in science. We asked atmospheric scientist J. Marshall Shepherd, industry leader Danielle Merfeld, and philanthropic head Harvey Fineberg – for their ideas.

State of Science: Science Education

For the U.S. to maintain global leadership in science, said NAS President Marcia McNutt in her inaugural State of the Science address, improving K-12 science education as the foundation for a strong domestic STEM workforce must be a top priority.  We asked some prominent voices in the science community to weigh in.